Wednesday 8 March 2017

Bento #161 - Chicken Mayonnaise croissant and baked egg in tomato topped with cheese

I love the chicken mayonnaise sandwiches from Delifrance but seldom eat it because I think it's a luxury! Using Wokking Mum's recipe, it's a breeze to re-create a similar version at home! I'm so happy because now I can eat it whenever I want.

This is the first time Rayson is trying chicken mayo and he gives thumbs-up for it and even prefer it to his usual fave, egg mayo. 

For the egg in tomato, I cut out the middle of the tomato, diced it and put them in the croissant. Thereafter, I crack an egg into the hollow space, top it with some mozzarella and cheddar cheese and pop them into the oven baking them at a temperature of 180 deg - 200 deg for around 10 min. 

I think I must have baked them for too long the tomatoes came out too soft. So next time, I should probably reduce the time so that the tomato is hard enough to hold any food that it contains.

Rayson's bento

Hubby's bento

Kai Sin

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